All diary entries
- Web pages now on-line
- The Expedition on Ski Expo fair
- Expedition at physical tests
- Pulka and dry suit testing at Rajamäki swimming hall
- Building team spirit
- Expedition on weak ice
- Wheel dragging and gear meeting
- Rest of the expedition taking physical tests
- Weekend of cargo preparations
- Weekend of cargo preparations - day 2
- Third day of the cargo weekend
- Expeditions pre-journey diet
- Communication test OK
- The expedition in a cold laboratory
- Kick-off!
- Tests and first aid training
- The Expedition at Resolute Bay
- First day at Resolute
- Food packing
- Setting camp & a dry run
- Stormy day
- First night out
- Food bagging.... again
- Pulkhas packed and ready to pull
- Children's party ... for kids large and small
- On the starting blocks
- On the ice at last
- Pack ice obstacle course
- We are not alone
- First miles behind us
- Same old story
- Light-footed progress in warmer weather
- Another boring day at the office
- Getting colder again
- Communications challenges
- Aircraft Ahoy!
- Warm weather
- Rest day
- Sunshine once more
- Drunken nuts
- Is this level skiing?
- Successful day
- Bitter cold Arctic winds
- Man cannot live on bread alone...
- Moving ice
- Jovial rest day
- Spring is in the air
- Ferry service
- Heavy day
- Lead day
- 30 meters in an hour
- Sking in a jugsaw puzzle
- Swimming to the North Pole
- Putting on speed
- Steady progress
- Suprise rest day
- Whiteout saps energy
- The walking blind
- Out came the sunshine
- North Pole fowl
- New distance record
- The rough with the smooth
- All is well with the Expedition
- Getting there
- Nattering on about the weather
- Curriculum
- Legging over cracks
- Fine day's skiing
- Spring has arrived
- Grilled chicken
- A scalding and a day off work
- Regular day
- Fit men, broken skiis
- North Pole here we come
- Nasty-looking holes in the ice
- Two steps forward, one step back
- Sprint finish
- Human spoor
- Salute to the Norwegians
- Mother nature testing us
- Final agonizing kilometers
- Mission accomplished
- To Spitzbergen via Station Barneo
- Hunting for elusive desserts
- Psychological testing
- Cheerful chores and charcoal grills
- Expedition at home in Finland