This morning we set off using the same tactics as yesterday. In other words, we pulled all of our gear, on full sledges, up, over or around the obstacle course of the pack ice.
Very quickly, we learned an important lesson: if we continue in this way, the ice will beat us. So; we changed tactics: Double Carry [Ed: The so-called Double Carry is a tried¬-and-tested tactic: If you've got too much to carry, take half now and fetch the rest later.] The distance we have to ski will increase, but there are other advantages to be gained:
1. We won't need to be superhuman; there will be less body stress.
2.Our gear will get an easier ride. For example, the risk of damage to the sledges will be minimized.
We were on skis today for 7 hours. Considering the challenges we have faced, we have reason to be satisfied with our progress: 2.8 km.
The weather: clear skies all day (mostly star-shine, interrupted by a 3-hour, low-flying, sunny spell). No risk of sunburn today.
Another valuable lesson learned today: Close your thermos flask screw-cap tightly before putting the cup on top: If you don't, it will freeze shut from the leaking steam.